60-Second Trivia

60-Second Trivia How well do you know your leadership? With all that’s going on, time to take 5 minutes for yourself.COVID-19 will still be there when you return.So what’s 60-Second Trivia? Ten short trivia questions about leadership (or anything remotely related to it).How long?  5 minutes, max.So here goes.  There are points, but none of them count. Answers follow after the 10 questions.Question 1In a Word document that is 8.5” x 11”,…

Did You See COVID-19 Coming?

Did You See COVID-19 Coming? Avoiding the Curse of Cassandra In Greek mythology, Cassandra is wooed by the god Apollo, who grants her the ability to see the future.  However, she doesn’t return his affection, and in true Greek-myth-godlike response, he curses her with not being believed. So she can see the future, but no one will believe her.She later warns the Trojans about the Greeks hiding in the Trojan Horse,…

How to Lead in a Crisis

How to Lead in a Crisis Leading others through uncertainty On 9/11, I was working in Manhattan.  Today, when people discuss 9/11 and New York City, everyone knows there were two planes, and only two planes, that struck the Twin Towers.  That morning, though, no one knew how many more there would be, or what else was to come. Not that the comparison is parallel, but we’re in similar times. …

Working Remotely Under the New Normal

Working Remotely Under the New Normal Some suggestions from 17 years of working virtually I’ve been working remotely with leaders for over 17 years.  My work with them has been a combination of in-person meetings and meetings via the web.  Working remotely/virtually has provided me the opportunity to work closely and instantly with leaders nationally and internationally.  I certainly wouldn’t say I’m an expert at working remotely, but I have…

COVID-19 Book

Total Active, Fatal, and Recovered COVID-19 Cases for the United States As per Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource CenterAs at 21:33 EDT Tuesday March 24, 2020 Scroll to the bottom of the page for the full extent of the impact. (more…)

Communicating During a Crisis

3 Valuable Resources Leaders are being challenged to communicate effectively under these stressful, complex, ever-changing conditions. For many, it’s their first time doing so during a company-wide, nation-wide crisis. We thought readers of our 60-Second Read would find the following three resources helpful: Communicating Through the Coronavirus Crisis.  From Harvard Business Review, a 5-step framework for your communication strategy.  (Note: HBR has a paywall, but your first 3 articles per…

The Coronavirus and the Covey Matrix

The Coronavirus and the Covey Matrix Why it’s easy to forget what’s not urgent but important A great tool for many leaders is the Covey Matrix, also known as the Eisenhower Decision Matrix: It’s a great tool for leaders (and everyone else) to decide what work to focus on, and in so doing, how to allocate your time. Some quick definitionsImportance is the level of the work’s importance for your…

Are You Okay Being Right?

Are You Okay Being Right? Trust me, I know these things… As a leader, it’s important to be right.  A leader’s credibility and influence are based, in part, on his or her ability to be right about matters relevant to their role, function, and organization. But how right does a leader need to be? Here’s an image you will not see “right” or correctly.  To reiterate, if you’re alive and…

Are You Ready for that Promotion?

Are You Ready for that Promotion? 3 Questions to Ask Before You’re Promoted One of the happier moments in a leader’s career is when you’re promoted.And one of the sadder moments in your career is when you realize the promotion isn’t what it was described to be.So who’s fault is that?Who cares?  Instead, let’s get on with how to avoid that from happening in the first place.If you’re going to buy a…

Are You an Evolved Leader?

Are You an Evolved Leader? The 3 Levels of Leadership I don’t run like I used to run when I was 16.  Knock on wood, I haven’t had an injury in the years I’ve been running.  But I still don’t run like I did when I was 16.  Notwithstanding the fact that I run regularly, my running pace and style have evolved over the years. The same is true if you’re…