What’s Your Leadership Process?

What’s Your Leadership Process? If you don’t have some, you need to get some. I’ve been involved in leadership development for over 25 years.  So with time, comes some perspective.When I first started out, I was a fan of what you might call the cult of leadership personality.  I thought that effective leadership essentially flowed from one’s personality, and some people just happened to be better at leadership than others. …

How’s Your Leadership Practice?

How’s Your Leadership Practice? Today’s actions are tomorrow’s reality. I once took a piano lesson, and I know one day I’ll be a virtuoso.I once took a lesson in painting, and I know one day I’ll be a master.I once took a tennis lesson, and I know one day I’ll play at Wimbledon.I once read a book on leadership, and I know one day I’ll….You get my point.Remember, leadership books…

How Many Chapters In Your Career?

How Many Chapters In Your Career? And don’t forget the footnotes… If you’ve had a modicum of success in your career, looking back on it, you can likely make sense of it.“First I did this, which led me to that, which created an opportunity for such-and-such, (and so on and so on) …and that’s how I ended up where I am today.”In retrospect, it all seems to make sense. It’s…

Do You Do, or Do You Teach?

Do You Do, or Do You Teach? Careful, choose wisely. There’s an old expression that asserts that those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach.So much for management consultants….It’s often bandied about by careerists who may feel they have little to learn from those who teach, since, “Hey, if you know what works, why aren’t you doing it yourself, instead of teaching it??”As is often the case, there’s truth…

Why AI Apologized to Me, Twice.

Why AI Apologized to Me, Twice. So should I feel guilty? James Webb Space Telescope image of GOODS-South (Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-South) Artificial Intelligence recently apologized to me.  Twice.And I felt slightly guilty.Here’s why:In last month’s 60-Second Read, I discussed a picture taken by the James Webb Space Telescope of a small area of the night sky (about the size of the moon) known as GOODS-South.  If you read…

The Universe: A Size Beyond Belief (and Comprehension)

The Universe: A Size Beyond Belief (and Comprehension) It will make your head hurt. James Webb Space Telescope image of GOODS-South (Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-South) This month, we will pause all things leadership, and contemplate something a bit more mind-bending.The picture above, taken by the James Webb Space Telescope, is of a small area of the night sky (about the size of the moon) known as GOODS-South.More on that…

Thinking of Quitting Your Job?

Thinking of Quitting Your Job? Keep these in mind. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, total job openings as of the end of June were 9.6 million.  Also according to the BLS, the total number of unemployed persons in July was 5.8 million.  So for every job opening, there was 3/5 of a person looking for a job.  Now just because someone is unemployed doesn’t necessarily mean they’re…

How to Preserve Your Leadership Presence

How to Preserve Your Leadership Presence And how not to lose it. We’ve all been there.You’re tired, over-worked, and/or stressed out.Someone says something, does something, insinuates something, and that’s it.  You lose your composure.And, you feel totally justified when you do.In the moment, you may feel right.  You may even feel righteous.But after time passes, you’ve calmed down and distanced yourself from the situation, you reflect and think:“Maybe not my…

Type A’s are Successful, Suffering, and Satisfied

Type A’s are Successful, Suffering, and Satisfied And they like it that way. Go figure. For Type A people, the glass is 2% empty.  They/We are the annoying types who, when everyone was glad to get a 75 on a really tough exam, they were wondering why they missed one question.Type A’s live below the surface.  Outwardly, they tend to be striving, high-achieving, and often successful.  Some are annoying and…

Why You Should Avoid Being a Storyteller

Why You Should Avoid Being a Storyteller Just answer the question. There’s a popular thesis that great leaders are great storytellers, that if you aspire to be a great leader, you need to develop your storytelling skills.I’ll save the debate on that thesis for another 60-Second Read.Suffice it to say that I believe there are other skills that leaders need to develop before storytelling, such as delivering great results, leading…