The Real Dangers of Being a Great Role Model

The Real Dangers of Being a Great Role Model One of the leadership and management “truths” is the undisputed value of being a great role model. Not many people would question the value of being a great role model. In fact, I think most, if not all, people would say they would be pleased to be a great role model for others. It goes without question, right? Which is what…

Is this the beginning of the end of HR as we know it?

Some companies are doing away with HR as we know it, and instead, are transferring HR’s responsibilities to managers.  Isn’t that what we want, managers who are more actively involved in and responsible for the development and management of their people?  Or is there a downside to this?  What do you think?  Read more here. Photo credit: Alex E. Proimos / / CC BY

Signs of Chronic High-skill Talent Shortage?

For the first time in 5 years, the quota on H-1B visas will be exhausted in less than a week.  Although it suggests a recovering economy, it also suggests a chronic shortage of highly skilled, mostly science-related workers.  Details here. (Looking for issues of our 60-Second Email?  You’ll find those here.)

Survey: Skills Gap Hurting Top 10 Economies

The talent shortage and skills gap continue.  Although more than 50% of BRIC employers report difficulty in hiring high-skilled labor, US employers report issues as well.  41% of US employers report productivity loss due to continued job vacancies.  See survey summary.

5 Critical Insights on Leadership from Peter Drucker

From one of his most popular books, The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done, here is Peter Drucker on 5 critical insights on leadership. (Looking for our 60-Second Emails?  You’ll find all of them here.)

If You’re Bored at Work, You’ve Just Been Warned.

Think about the work you do every day. Ever find it boring, repetitive, or lacking in meaning? Did you answer “yes” to any of that? If you did, then that’s a good thing. Why would it be a good thing? Because it means you’ve been warned. And better still, you’re the one who’s warning yourself. According to the Associated Press, jobs that “follow well-defined procedures and are repeated throughout the…

What does your MBA tuition actually buy you?

The former chairman of asset management firm Neuberger Berman, questions the value of all that MBA academic research.  And did you realize the impact the cost of that research has on tuition???  Read more here.

Why a Leader’s First Decision is Often Wrong

I’ve chosen a word at random. Is it more likely that the word starts with a K, or that K is the third letter in the word? If you’re like most people, you’ll say it’s more likely the word starts with a K. However, there are more than twice as many words that have K in the third position than those that start with it. (more…)

In ’08 & ’09, You Were Downsized. Now, You’re Being Inflated. What Should You Do?

Since 2008 and the start of the Great Recession, there have been 3 distinct phases in leadership and management: Phase 1, Downsizing: Positions were drastically eliminated, and people were let go, quickly and in great numbers. Phase 1 Leadership Implications: Contain the losses.  Stem the bleeding.  Keep the faith that all will not implode. Phase 1 Reality for Leaders: Do the same work with much, much fewer resources. Work long.…