How Big is Your Blind Spot?

How Big is Your Blind Spot? Who will tell you as it actually is? Image by www_slon_pics from Pixabay Our news and social media streams are filled with people in politics and business whose integrity and character are less than stellar. One question that comes to mind when I see the newly fallen at the podium is: “What’s changed?” By “What’s changed?” I mean, why is the person apologizing now?…

Do Your Leader Vacuums Need a Cleaning?

Do Your Leader Vacuums Need a Cleaning? If You Don’t Address It, They will Fill It. Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay “Nature abhors a vacuum.” The quote is often attributed to Aristotle, the Greek philosopher (and student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great) who lived from 384 to 322 BC. The quote has nothing to do with your carpets or your Hoover, Electrolux, or Dyson. Aristotle was…

Why You Should Know What Your Leaders Do.

What Your Leaders Need to Do. And, please, don’t look backwards. Image by RoboMichalec from Pixabay All great hockey players are ambitious and have a desire to win. Therefore, if I am ambitious and have a desire to win, I should become a great hockey player. As absurd as this sounds, versions of this logic arise in leadership development. Example:We study a select group of great leaders, see what attributes…

This is Not Your Grandmother’s Artificial Intelligence

This is Not Your Grandmother’s Artificial Intelligence A new era for leaders everywhere If you haven’t heard of ChatGPT from OpenAI, you will very soon.And it will disrupt how you work and how you lead.What is ChatGPT?Instead of getting into the nitty gritty details of artificial intelligence, here’s how ChatGPT will impact you:When you search for something via Google, you enter some text, even a question, and Google lists websites…

But What Does “Be More Strategic” Really Mean?

But What Does “Be More Strategic” Really Mean? How to develop that skill in yourself and others At various points in a leader’s development, they can be asked “to be more strategic”. Often the request/demand will come in the form of a conversation with one’s manager, in which the manager will say at some point, “David, you simply need to be more strategic.”  Ideally, my manager would elaborate on what…

Do You Still Say, “Span of Control”?

Do You Still Say, “Span of Control”? More importantly, are you relevant to others? If you’re old enough, “span of control” used to mean something. Leadership positions were often measured by their spans of control, the number of direct reports they managed. But I can’t remember the last time I heard someone talk about a leader’s span of control. Here are some potential reasons why: First, because of the Great…

Are You Focused on Being Busy or Being Accomplished?

Are You Focused on Being Busy or Being Accomplished? It’s time to get out of the blender. Photo by Johan Lindberg To say we live in the information age is an understatement. However, just because we have an overwhelming buffet of distractions, doesn’t mean we need to consume all of it. And yet it can be quite addicting, and we can be self-deluding. In short, what we’ve gained in information,…

Think Outside the Buzzword

Think Outside the Buzzword How to say a lot and nothing at all, all at the same time. Wikimedia Commons:Abbey Hendrickson As far as professions go, management consulting has got to be the worst abuser of buzzwords. Sure, other professions have their own type of professional speak and acronyms. For example, my wife, who’s a nurse, talks about the COW on her floor C.O.W. is short for “computer on wheels”.…

Buzzword Bingo, The Sequel

Buzzword Bingo, The Sequel 15 years is more than enough time for a sequel. Wikimedia Commons:Abbey Hendrickson More than 15 years ago, in the January 2007 issue of our 60-Second Read, Think Outside the Buzzword, we featured several popular consultant terms (a.k.a. jargon) along with their alleged as well as their true meaning. Well 15 years is certainly more than enough time for a new batch to flourish.  So here’s the…

Do You Lead Like a Dopey Parent?

Do You Lead Like a Dopey Parent? Some Lessons from and for the holidays The holidays are a great time for our humanity to play out in all its glory. There’s something about the alchemic nature of the season that turns simple family moments into complex affairs. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and sometimes…. Personally, I continue to be surprised at the number of times that leadership issues play out…