This Beveridge Has a Sickening Aftertaste for Millions of Americans

You don’t need to be an economist to know that sobering things are occurring in the US economy. For example, there are fewer jobs for more unemployed workers. Following the 2000 recession, there were 14 people unemployed for every 10 hires. Now, it’s 35 unemployed for every 10 hires: Source: Workforce Management In 2000, only 7% of the unemployed spent more than 6 months finding a job; now, it’s almost…

5 Ways to Know Your Consultant Is an Empty Suit or Pantsuit

Like some ignoble professions, consulting suffers from low barriers to entry. At least my children need to take a test to get a driver’s license. But any adult can hang out a shingle and become a “consultant”. Here are 5 ways to know that yours may be in over his/her head. If you ever hear your consultant say one of these, run away….very, very far away. #1: “Does that make…

Instead of “Paper or Plastic?”, It’s Now “Print or Digital?”

In this post, we speak with Michael Romaner, Executive Vice President for Digital at Morris Communications. Morris Communications is a privately held media company headquartered in Augusta, Georgia with diversified holdings including newspaper and magazine publishing, outdoor advertising, radio broadcasting, book publishing and distribution, visitor publications and online services. Morris Publishing Group (the newspaper publishing arm of the company and one of the oldest newspaper companies in the United States)…

Did Steve Jobs Leave You Frustrated?

In my previous post Why Are You Still Running On Your Hamster Wheel?, I referred to Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford commencement address (here’s the text version as well). As I write, this specific posting has been viewed over 12 million times, with millions more having viewed other postings of the same video. No doubt, many of you saw clips from it on the nightly news, in stories relating to Jobs’…

When Can You Smack Me Upside the Head?

In this month’s post, I give you permission to smack me upside the head (metaphorically speaking, of course) if I ever make it seem or if I ever suggest that leadership is easy. If you’re like me, your inbox is full of newsletters and email articles on leadership and management.  Many I don’t read, because the author makes the mistake of suggesting that leadership is easy: “The 5 Easy Leadership Skills to…

Who’s More Lost: You or Your Luggage?

The man beside me at the counter was irate.  He didn’t yell, but you could see by the expression on his face and by his body language that he was incredulous. We had been promised by the gate agent in Newark that our carry-on bags, which they required us to check at the gate, would be available to us in Atlanta.  The flight out of Newark was more than 2…

A Prescription for Business Myopia

Dominic Barton, global managing director of McKinsey & Company and a Canadian who for 25 years has counseled business, public sector, and nonprofit leaders across the globe (he’s lived in Toronto, Sydney, Seoul, Shanghai, and now London), offers a thoughtful essay on Capitalism for the Long Term.

Who is More Effective, an Extroverted or an Introverted Leader?

The US business culture practically worships an extroverted leader.  They are often viewed as the ones with the “right stuff”.  At minimum, their brand of self-confidence can provide a feeling of reassurance, albeit a false or naive one at times. The result is that introverted leaders often feel that somehow they don’t have what it takes to be effective, as if their personality was a mismatch for leading companies and…