What Will You Take From the Pandemic?

What Will You Take From the Pandemic? Is there room for Post-Traumatic Growth? In March 2020, I published online what I termed the COVID-19 Book, which graphically depicted the impact of the virus.  The emoji 😷 represented someone infected by the virus, and 😢 was for someone who had succumbed to it.  It was meant to humanize what at the time seemed to be very large numbers. I stopped after only…

Stop the Pandumbic

Stop the Pandumbic Do not waste this crisis “Never let a crisis go to waste.“If you Google the author of that quote, you get several possibilities, including Winston Churchill, Rahm Emanuel, and even Myron F. Weiner, a geriatric psychiatrist.Either way, you don’t need a doctor to know that as a leader, you’ve been through the wringer this year.For most leaders, 2020 was learning by doing, learning as you go.  If…

Take 60 Seconds and Save Yourself Hours

Take 60 Seconds and Save Yourself Hours Are your people on target? These days, no leader has enough time.Not enough time for work.  For family.  Or for oneself.Here’s today’s reality for most leaders:Take your job description from December 2019.Add 50% more work and responsibility due to COVID-19.Now try to get it all done in the same amount of time.Are we doing what needs to be done?With all that COVID-19 has…

Time to Look Down

Time to Look Down Do you know how things are? For many leaders, the coronavirus will be a career-defining moment.And unless your company was a master at scenario and/or strategic planning, for the most part, it’s been learning by doing. And that’s not a criticism.  It just is. Focusing upward and outwardRegardless of where you are in the organizational hierarchy, you’ve likely not had time for much else other than your…

It’s No Time to Be Wishy-Washy

It’s No Time to Be Wishy-Washy Is That Truly What You Mean? According to Merriam-Webster, “wishy-washy” means “lacking in character or determination, [as in] ‘ineffectual wishy-washy leadership’“.  Google defines it as “feeble or insipid in quality or character; lacking strength or boldness“. Not sure I’d want to be known as “insipid in character”.Merriam-Webster adds that “wishy-washy” was first used in 1703.  Curiously, their website doesn’t indicate where it was used.  Suffice…

Will You Stomp the Box?

Will You Stomp the Box? Time to Think Way Outside While working from home has become normal or nearly normal for some, will it continue to be part of the next normal?  And what does that mean for you as a leader?In April 2020, The Conference Board surveyed 152 human capital leaders in US-based organizations.  The report’s findings included the following:More than 75% of respondents expect an increase in full-time…

And Are Your People Ready?

And Are Your People Ready? Working in the Next Normal Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay So by now your organization’s workforce:a) has returned to work;b) started to return to work;c) are planning their eventual return to work; ord) has always been at work (with a personal shoutout to my wife and all the other nurses!)No doubt, you and your team have been planning how to make the workplace as safe…

Do You Feel Like an Impostor Now?

Do You Feel Like an Impostor Now? If you do, join the crowd. Wikipedia defines Impostor Syndrome as “a psychological pattern in which one doubts one’s accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a ‘fraud'”. The term dates back to research by Clance & Imes published in 1978, in which they examined the “impostor phenomenon” in high-achieving women.  They studied social and psychological factors, and provided…

Have You Zoom-ed Out?

Have You Zoom-ed Out? When Work Becomes Your Screen Test At the end of 2019, Zoom had approximately 10.7 million active users.  And on April 22nd of this year, 300 million people used Zoom.  Not a bad growth rate. And it’s likely your usage of Zoom / Webex / Teams has increased at a similar rate.  Back in December, maybe you used it just a bit.  These days, it’s likely…