What’s Your Story? Why Should Anyone Care?

What’s Your Story? Why Should Anyone Care? If you don’t know it, you’re at great risk. For many of us, this year and/or next year will involve a change in leadership at work. We either did get, or we will get, a new boss. And with any change in leadership, there’s an attendant change in security. To varying degrees, the new boss is an unknown entity. Sure, we may know…

Who’s More Lost: You or Your Luggage?

Who’s More Lost: You or Your Luggage? You may be temted to bivouac, but don’t. Take things into your own hands instead. The man beside me at the counter was irate.  He didn’t yell, but you could see by the expression on his face and by his body language that he was incredulous. by HelloDavidPradoPerucha We had been promised by the gate agent in Newark that our carry-on bags, which…

Does Your Leadership Influence Travel at the Speed of Light?

Does Your Leadership Influence Travel at the Speed of Light? Leadership Lessons from the James Webb Telescope The James Webb Space Telescope On December 25, 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched on an Ariane 5 rocket from French Guiana. Years earlier NASA had said, “JWST will be the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It will study every phase in the history of our…

Why It’s a Great Time to Be Talented

Why It’s a Great Time to Be Talented In other words, do your HR and Senior Leaders have tattoos and body piercings? There are rumblings that the Great Resignation (large numbers of people quitting their jobs) is turning into the Great Regret (people realizing the grass isn’t always greener).Notwithstanding that some people may find that their employment options weren’t as wonderful as they expected, it’s still a great time to…

Real Leaders Don’t Watch Movies

Real Leaders Don’t Watch Movies. They’re great to watch but not to emulate. “Show me the money!”“Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”“Go ahead, make my day.”“Are you not entertained?”“You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” Memorable quotes from memorable films. Love ’em or hate ’em, movies of all types end up in our collective consciousness.…

Fear: Maybe not a Friend, but a Reliable Companion

Fear: Maybe not a Friend, but a Reliable Companion It makes sense if you stand in the “scared” section. During a weekend at a local conference, I delivered a presentation on overcoming barriers to effective talent development. I also had the chance to attend other presentations too. At one, the facilitator split the room into sections, and labeled each one with a specific emotion. He then asked people to stand…

What You Learn by Playing Poker

What You Learn by Playing Poker My friend and colleague Bob Silverstein (organizational crisis and change consultant), discusses the practical applications of studying and playing No Limit Texas Hold ’em poker. Bob, please tell us about your professional background.I’m a clinical social worker and consultant with over 25 years of experience as a crisis manager, organizational change consultant, employee counselor and executive coach. Currently I work primarily in a private…

What I Learned from Contracting COVID

What I Learned from Contracting COVID I learned that I’ve wasted far too much time. On a recent family vacation outside the country, I contracted COVID, notwithstanding being double vaxed, double boosted, and masked during travel.  As they say, that totally sucked.  Given people’s schedules and geographies, family gatherings are rarer these days; so, this was going to be extra special.  I’d been planning and organizing this event for many…

Why You Should Volunteer for 360-Feedback

Why You Should Volunteer for 360-Feedback You’ll learn more than just feedback. For some leaders, being the subject of 360-feedback is like your annual check-up at the dentist.  You hope no one says anything you don’t want to hear. [For those that aren’t familiar with 360-feedback, it’s feedback you receive from everyone you work with, i.e., from everyone all around you, à la 360 degrees in a circle.)I totally understand why…

The Once In a Lifetime Event

The Once In a Lifetime Event Time to stop, just for a second, and enjoy the moment. If you’re the slightest bit Type A or high-achieving, I need you to stop thinking about work.  Just for a second, literally.No need for a week-long Caribbean holiday.  Just a second of pleasure.  And don’t worry; work will still be waiting for you when you’re done.Tomorrow, at 2:22 and 22 seconds (am or…