Are You Paying the Price for Your Slow Burn?

Nothing like an economic crisis to bring latent leadership issues to the forefront. If you were grooming and “weeding” your people during the good times, chances are you’re doing better than other leaders during these challenging times. If you weren’t focused on the quality of your people during the good times, changes are your suffering extra now. As companies have pared back on staffing levels, leaders have assumed greater responsibility…

Why and When Boards of Directors Let Their CEOs Go

Sure, numbers matter. But not hitting your numbers is only one reason Boards fire their CEOs. Trust or confidence in the CEO is crucial. Employee relations (both the proper and the improper kind) is a key concern to Boards. And there is the matter of responsiveness to customers. All are considered by Boards when determining the fate of the incumbent. For more, click here for an interesting article from Wharton.

Real Leaders Don’t Watch Movies

“I’m king of the world!” “Show me the money!” “You can’t handle the truth!” “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.” “Go ahead, make my day.” Memorable quotes from memorable films. Love ’em or hate ’em, movies of all types end up in our collective consciousness. In reviewing a list of movie quotes recently, I was impressed by how just one short phrase was all I needed to…

Succession Planning, Part 2: Remaining Basic Steps

In the month since my post about Basic Steps for Effective Succession Planning, global economic issues have continued to ripple onto our shores, as we wrestle with our own economic concerns. Now more than ever, companies need great talent to lead them effectively, and smart leaders are doing all they can (as they did during better times) to ensure that they have a continuous supply of great talent. In this…

Succession Planning: Some Basic Steps

Even with the crummy economy and high unemployment, smart leaders are still concerned about the potential loss of great talent from their companies. Whether you’re running a company, division, department, or a team, you need to plan for your future talent needs. And the sooner, the better. In this month’s 60-Second Email (TM) , we outline the first steps you need to take for effective succession planning. And when you’re…

Lost Jobs Aren’t the Problem. They’re the Symptom.

There used to be a time when if jobs were lost during a recession, there was the expectation that many of these same jobs would eventually return after the economy came back. These days, though, there’s a whole different feel about jobs returning. In a recent article, “5 Myths About How to Create Jobs” (link), McKinsey notes that even if the economy were to add 200,000 jobs per month, it…

If Experience is the Best Teacher, What Did You Learn from the Great Recession?

“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” – Winston Churchill. “Experience is the best teacher, but the tuition is high.” – Norwegian proverb If experience is, indeed, the best teacher, we’ve certainly had a post-graduate education this past year. And, yes, the tuition has been very high. So what did you learn from it? I didn’t have an immediate answer when I asked myself the…