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The Universe: A Size Beyond Belief (and Comprehension)

It will make your head hurt.

James Webb Space Telescope image of GOODS-South (Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-South)
James Webb Space Telescope image of GOODS-South (Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-South)

This month, we will pause all things leadership, and contemplate something a bit more mind-bending.

The picture above, taken by the James Webb Space Telescope, is of a small area of the night sky (about the size of the moon) known as GOODS-South.
More on that in just a minute.

Our Earth is located in our solar system, and the Earth is approximately 93,000,000 miles from the sun.
Traveling in a jet going 500 mph, it would take you just over 21 years, flying 24 hours a day, to get to the sun.

Our solar system is located in a galaxy called the Milky Way, which is about 100,000 light years in diameter.  
A light year is approximately 5.88 trillion miles.  So 100,000 of them is approximately 588 quadrillion miles.  (Your head hurt??)
Traveling in our jet going 500 mph hour, it would take you approximately 134 billion years to travel across our galaxy.  And that’s way longer than the universe has been around for (~13.7 billion years).

As noted previously, the picture above is of a small area of the sky about the size of the moon.
It contains 45,000 galaxies.

That’s 45,000 galaxies in an area that is just 0.0005% or 1 / 200,000th of the sky.
